F I L M   F E S T I V A L S


We are pleased and honored to receive these awards! Thanks to all the film festivals for your help to bring a little bit more international attention to the forest fires issue in Portugal!



U P C O M I N G   C O N C E R T S



?,  International Literary Festival of the Interior - Words of Fire, Portugal (to confirm)
   concert in a forest

   > > >

? / Viana do Castelo (P): concert of Academia de Música de Viana do Castelo students (to confirm)



P A S T    C O N C E R T S


17 / 6 / 2019, Pedrogao Grande (P): private concert for forest fire victims' families


10 / 3 / 2019, Sá de Miranda Theatre, Viana do Castelo (P): Requiem premiere



P A S T   P H O T O   E X H I B I T I O N S


10 / 3 - 10 / 5 / 2019, Centro Interpretativo do Caminho Portugues da Costa, Viana do Castelo (P)


11 - 22 / 10 / 2017, Museu Municipal, Viana do Castelo, part of the 8th National Forest Congress (P)



O T H E R   P A S T   E V E N T S


3 / 4 / 2022 - presentation at OKNA, Porto (P)


11 / 10 / 2019 - Extinction Rebellion happening for parents, Prague


23 / 9 / 2019 - Extinction Rebellion performance - Funeral for Forests, Prague


10 / 9 / 2017 - Reflorestar Portugal - Meeting for Forests, Elvas (P)